Monday, August 4, 2008

Ok, Ok I Am A Slacker

I know I haven't posted anything since May, but that is because I have been super busy or out of town. So, here is a quick recap of our summer--- we finished the school year-Lillie received the Patriot of the Year award for her class, she had her end of the year dance recital-Carter also debuted his dance moves, we went to Midway, Utah with my parents for a few days to see the old Cluff Homestead and eat fancy Swiss desserts, we went to Stanley, Id for the extended Cluff family reunion, came home, had lots of fun when the Barr family came to visit for a week over the Fourth of July- even though we had to take Ethan to the ER with a dislocated elbow, met Dar and Melissa and kids, and Heidi and her kids at Temple Square, went to the Twin Falls Temple open house, visited family in Idaho for a week and had a crazy time at my mom's family reunion-(which was actually a lot of fun despite Cody's doom and gloom predictions). I also started two new business ventures and tried to keep my lawn alive despite a broken sprinkler system and an absentee husband. My camera battery is dead and I can't find the charger, so I will have to post some pictures later. For those of you who are waiting, I will have Lillieput Designs products available for pre-order by the end of next week-I will have pictures posted then. Hope everyone is having as much fun as we are this summer!!!


Melissa said...

YEAH! So glad you gave us an update! Have you finished Breaking Dawn yet? What kind of things are in the Lillieput Design store? I'm so glad we got to see you guys while we were on our way up here!

Take care!

Melissa and family

Graham Crackerz said...

what two businesses? I need more input!