Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mi Blankie Su Blankie-Just don't Touch my Binky

I actually took these a while ago but I never got around to posting, they were being so cute-until Cannon dropped his binky and Calvin decided he wanted it.

This last weekend we were able to go to the Salt Lake Temple to see Calvin be sealed to Joe and Lila. It was a very sweet experience and we are so happy to have been there. It was nice to see all of the family and friends that came to be with them. Calvin was very cute and well behaved in the sealing room and there was a wonderful feeling to see them become an eternal family. (The only bummer was I forgot my camera so I missed out on some really cute photo ops!)
Cannon is officially a walker now, okay he's not a professional but he can take up to six steps so far without falling down. He still prefers to crawl because it is faster, but I think he will be running soon!!
Whip just finished his indoor soccer games and it always makes me laugh to watch how excited he is to play. Lillie is doing very well in school and she loves to come home and play with Sophie and Cannon.
I am posting some pictures that I have taken over the past couple of weeks.
Whip loves jumping on the Trampoline-even in two feet of snow.
This is an icicle that was hanging off of our back porch. It was about 3 feet long-before we broke it.
Cannon and Calvin bonding over drinks.
Cannon and Mo enjoying some Baby Einstein.


Unknown said...

I think maybe Calvin is just getting Cannon back for the time they were having their pictures taken at Halloween and the skunk decided to punch, push, shove the little BSU bronco! Anyways, if Calvin continues to grow the way he has done, no wonder Cannon is learning to walk/run!

Joel & Lila said...

Really they are just the cutest duo ever! They are going to grow up to be best wrestling buddies....the fun we will have! OH DEAR