Saturday, October 4, 2008

Say Hello to My Little Friend

For the past few months I have been trying to convince Cody that the kids needed a pet. I really felt like it would be good for them to have the responsibility of taking care of an animal, besides that they are fun. So once I got the okay, the great pet search was on. I didn't want fish because they are stinky and not at all cuddly, I didn't want any type of rodent because they are stinky and only a little cuddly, we couldn't have a cat because one of our basement dwellers is allergic, so that left us with two choices- kick Carter out or get a dog. Despite my pleadings Cody refused to evict Carter so we decided on a dog. That only left us with the decision of what kind of dog. I did not want a yappy, shedding, jumping up on the kids kind of dog, it had to be small enough to live in our house, and not require extensive amounts of exercising in sub-arctic temperatures. After several hours of research on the internet I decided on a Shih-Tzu. They are very mellow, they don't shed, they don't usually bark a lot and they are perfectly content to lay around the house all day. I thought I had found the perfect pet for us--until I tried to find one we could afford. All the nearby breeders wanted anywhere from $300-$1500. I just could not justify that at this time. I resigned myself to saving up for a year and then possibly getting one. Well, low and behold, one Sunday Christin and Kevin came home from Utah with a Shih Tzu puppy, the cutest thing I had ever seen. I have to admit I was a tiny bit jealous. But I figured it was okay because the kids could play with her and then I didn't have to actually own a dog. She was extremely cuddly and the kids loved it when she would come to visit. We had a good time babysitting her once in a while and I was further convinced that this was the breed we wanted.
About a month ago, Christin and Kevin decided they wanted to move to Colorado, there was just one problem-no dogs allowed in their rental. Christin was heartbroken, they tried to convince the landlord that their dog was no worse than a cat, in fact better because she didn't shed. But to no avail, the dog could not come. Knowing that I had wanted a Shih Tzu and knowing that the kids loved her, they made the decision to let her come and live with us. So say hello to our little friend-Sophie. She is a lot of fun and we have been enjoying her funny little quirks. She likes to find the kid's stuffed animals and Cannon's toys and carry them off to her lair, it is especially funny because some of the animals are as big as she is. We are still working on some obedience training and a few housetraining issues -apparently this breed is extremely stubborn and can be somewhat petulant-hmmm just like some other creatures that live in this house. She loves to sleep with the kids and will often burrow into piles of blankets and clothes that kids leave around. Even Cody has decided that he likes her-although he won't admit it if you ask.

In other news, Joe and Lila moved over this week so they stayed with us until they closed on their house. They were supposed to close Monday but one thing after another kept delaying it so they didn't actually close until Thursday. I felt really bad for them because I know it was very frustrating. It was fun to have them staying with us and I know Cody will enjoy having another BSU fan to watch all the games with.

I spent the week trying to keep up with cleaning and getting my sewing room organized, luckily Mom was here and she did laundry all week. It is always nice when she comes to visit because she is awesome about doing stuff. I feel a little bad about her doing some of my chores, but honestly I would never get a break if she wasn't here. She watched the kids so Cody and I could go out for our anniversary and stay at the new Hampton Inn here. It was really nice to get away even if we did have to take Cannon who refuses to sleep at night without hourly snacks. We all went down to Salt Lake and hit the Costco, Target and IKEA (angelic choir in the back ground). That was fun, although we are totally broke now.

Christin and Kevin officially left for Colorado this weekend and I haven't really had time to miss her but I know I will. I think that has been the hardest thing about living in Wyoming- not being able to hang out with my sisters. But, I guess that is why we have phones and e-mails. That's all I have time for now, Cannon is teething and he has been sooo CRANKY. Thank heavens for teething tablets and Oragel.

1 comment:

L. Strasser said...

Jody! what a cute little dog that is. haha. I am so glad that you have a blog. I really miss Lillie, Whip, and Cannon and its fun to read about everything that is going on. Tell the kids that Uncle Levi says hi. I also like the way you write. You are good at writing. It keeps the reader interested. so thanks! :D Miss you guys!